Immigrant Mothers Victims of Abuse Living in Denmark

Mission and Vision



To create a safe place of communication, support and advice to the victim of abuse that has suffered psychological or physical abuse from their spouse, thus, on our children.



Our focus lies in providing information, guidance and protection to immigrant mothers that have been  victims of abuse, living in Denmark.

IM VALID  works hard to give support to these women and children by finding financial donors, therapeutic services and help when coming out of a crisis center.



We would like to bring awareness of IM VALID to other Danish organizations, and work with them to help the immigrant women and children in Denmark going through psychological and physical abuse.

IM VALID seeks to educate various Danish authorities to recognize symptoms of abuse and how to help support the women and children going through this.

Mission Statement


Im valid. I matter. I have a voice. I am a mother. I am an immigrant woman.

I am a victim of abuse. My children are also victims of abuse as they have seen me being abused, psychologically and or physically. Both are equally dangerous. 

I have opened my mouth and dared to speak up about it.

And I speak the truth.

I have escaped the abuse or am learning how to do this. And now I need support.

I need support for the abuse I am enduring and have endured with my abuser.

I need support in how to understand and navigate through the Danish system and various authorities, while I am in this crisis state.

I need support with my children, also going through this crisis state.

IM VALID is the place.

IM VALID - Immigrant Mothers, Victims of Abuse Living in Denmark.

A group that knows what its like. 

This group is composed of women that have all ´been through it´ or are ´going through it.``

From recognizing the abuse, to escaping the abuse, to reporting the abuse, to fighting for our childrens´s rights, to fighting for our own rights,

to knowing how the Danish system works.

We have all been there.

Through our experience, we have gained knowledge and wisdom, we want to pass on.

We want to give back.

We want to help YOU.

YOU matter. YOU have a voice. YOUR CHILDREN have voices.


Find solace, support, encouragement, help, advice, guidance, therapy, donations, friendships, and so much more.

From experienced, wise women, who have endured it all.

We want to give back and help those who need it.

You, and your children, deserve it. 

You are NOT alone.

If this statement resonates with you, and describes you and your crisis situation with your children, please contact us here, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

If you are an offiliate group that wants to work together with IM VALID, please contact us.

Our History

IM VALID group was formed in 2020 and started as a facebook group.

Our group today, has two offiliated facebook groups. One private, and one public. 

We have an administration team to help run things smoothly, and are now a newly formed NGO within Denmark,

fighting for women´s and children´s rights against domestic Violence.

We want to help women and children who are victims of abuse in this country.

`I raise up my voice - not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.´
